Dan Ukr Eng


Подробная информация о  № 08100013


Гражданство: Ukraine
Возраст: 38
Пол: Male
Иностранные языки и уровень (1-5):

English (4)

Предпочтительная сфера деятельности  (1, 2, 3...): Pigs (2)    Minks (3)    Plant (1)    
Опыт работы с сельхозтехникой - тип, всего месяцев, уровень (1-5) No
Навыки вождения: Driving license for car

 Сельскохозяйственное учебное заведениеФакультетГод поступленияГод выпускаСпециальность
1.Kirovograd National Technical UniversityAgricultural production20032008Technologies of agricultural production

Опыт работы за границей и квалификация:
 ГодВсего месяцевНазвание и род деятельностиОбязанности
1.20077Denmark, Plants growing, pot-plants growing in green houses, gardeningPlanting (petunia, scavola, dipladenia, asters, oxalis, pelegonium, verbena, marguritter, diascia), cuttings, potting, watering, sorting, packaging and all around form works.
Works with agricultural machinery -potmachin.
Work with fertilizing system, protection, watering systems by plant type.

Сельскохозяйственная практика в Украине:
 ГодВсего месяцевНазвание и род деятельностиОбязанности
1.20033Studying practice at pig farm "Kirovsk"Pigs feeding, breeding, vaccination, hygiene, castrating, cleaning up
2.20042Pig farm "Sofiivska"Care of sucking pigs, feeding pigs, preparing fodder, vaccination, cleaning up, other necessary job
3.20055Collective cattle farm "Zirka"Feeding cows, cleaning shed, taking care of calves, milking with installation, field working, harvesting.
4.20063Pig farm "ROSAGRO"Breeding pigs up to 100 kg, feeding them, cleaning up, vaccination, other necessary job.

Семейное положение: Divorsed
Дети: No
Рост, вес: 185 cm    80 kg
Курение: Never
Специальная диета: NO
Проблемы со здоровьем: NO
Немного обо мне:

My name is Sergii Prokopov. I was born in a beautiful town - Kirovograd. I have a not big family. I have mother father and sister.
I want to go to Denmark because I wont to have more practical experience in agricultural sphere, to have some practice in English and to see the places of interest of this beautiful country.
Also I'd like to practice in another country in plant growing or animal breeding.


Мое хобби:

Listen to the music, playing football, I like fishing.
My free time i like spend with my friends!


Что я хотел бы изучить на практике за рубежом:

To have a good knowledge level in agriculture, to have a fine practice for my future plans


Мои мечты на будущее:

Thanks to that practice I well try to work in agricultural sphere in Ukraine. If I well have an opportunity I well open my own farm where I could use my expiries.


Что я хотел бы сделать с деньгами, заработанными на практике:

I well open my baseness in agricultural sphere in Ukraine


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